As many of you know, March 1st we had a terrible accident in our family. My cousin's wife Tiffany was driving home Sunday evening from a day of play at Easy Street with the kids (Hunter, Hailey and Owen). On the way home, she was hit - head on - by another driver. This accident was devastating. Tiffany and Glenn's son Owen, at 3 years of life, and her step-daughter (Glenn and Erica's daughter)Hailey, at 9 years of life, did not make it. Hunter, also 9 years old, and Tiffany were both sent to Shands Hospital in critical condition.
It has been a hard couple of weeks. The loss of such beautiful and loving children is so very hard. Even though we know they are with God in Heaven, we miss them and long to see them, even if just once more. Hailey was such a little princess. She was very bright and funny. She was always very motherly towards Owen, helping and caring for him. Owen was a trooper. His legs were always going double time to keep up with his sisters. Whenever he saw me or Jody, he would always ask "I come over to yous house?" They were all over the day before the accident, "working" with us in the goat pen. Samantha, Hailey and Hunter were snuggling the babies, while Connor and Owen chased the babies. These kids will be missed by many.
Meanwhile, while dealing with the loss of these two angels, we had to stay strong on the outside for Tiffany and Hunter. They both made it through several surgeries. Tiffany is unable to stand at this time, and once she heals more, she will begin therapy to strengthen her hips and legs. She was released from the hospital and is under family supervision at home. She has learned to transport her self from her hospital bed at home to her wheel chair. She has been able to visit Hunter some at the hospital, but the travel wears her out, and she needs the next day to regain her strength.
Hunter is making remarkable strides in recuperating. She has been through so much. We think, hope, and pray she is done with her surgeries. She is breathing on her own and talking through her teeth (her mouth is wired shut but don't think that will stop her). She has all of the nurses at Shands wrapped around her little finger. They are taking such good care of her. It will be several more weeks before she will be released, only to be moved to a rehab facility for months of therapy. We are still praying hard that she regains function of her legs, but only time will tell. She is in good spirits for all that she has faced and still has to go through. She now knows about her siblings death, and is trying to comprehend it the best she can. She knows they are in Heaven with God, and that brings us all comfort. Of course, she is also enjoying being spoiled a little. She now has many movies she can watch in her room, a new Nintendo DS she is playing, with several games, stuffed animals galore, and much more. She is happy to see the cards and banners hung around her room from her classmates and friends and family. She is able to blow bubbles in her room, which is always fun, and likes to talk on the phone with her family. She is doing the best she knows how, and is doing an excellent job at it. We are all so proud of her strong will and loving spirit.
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